Anura Reporting API - Usage - Handling Responses
Responses from the Anura Reporting API are JSON encoded and typically returned within milliseconds. However, in cases where vast amounts of unique data exist, responses may take several seconds or minutes. Please be sure to adjust any timeouts to wait until the response has been returned.
There are 5 distinct HTTP status response codes that may be encountered when performing requests. The following table provides HTTP status codes with a brief description of their meaning:
Status Code | Description |
200 - OK | The request was successful and a response was returned. |
400 - Bad Request | There was a problem with your request parameters. Please be sure you have passed a complete and valid token string and that your request falls within the allowed rolling time frame. |
401 - Unauthorized | Your token is not authorized to access the requested resource. |
403 - Forbidden | Your token does not have permission to access the requested resource. |
404 - Not Found | The resource you are looking for was not found. Please check the endpoint address and try again. |
Things to Remember...
- String response values are returned URL encoded.
- Script and Direct "instance" table values are returned as a URL encoded object containing both the "id" and "name" of the instance.
- Script's "adblocker" value may return "null" when ad blocker detection is not enabled for your instance.