Anura Docs

Anura Reporting API - Usage - API Tokens

You can create and manage Reporting API tokens by logging into the Anura Dashboard and going to the "Reporting API" token management interface, located within the "Account" section of the navigation menu, or by visiting

Create Reporting API Token Form Fields

Field Description Note
Token Name A unique identifying name for the Reporting API token. Required.
Limit Instance Limits the Reporting API to return data for the selected instance(s) only. Data will be returned for all instances associated with your Anura user account when no specification is made.
Authorized IP Address Limits the Reporting API to return data for the specified IP address(es) only. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. Private and reserved IP addresses are not allowed.
Token Expires Sets the token to expire on a specified date. Reporting API tokens expire at 12:00 AM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on their specified date and will be removed from our database after 30 days. Reporting API tokens that do not have an expiration will otherwise never expire.

Managing Reporting API Tokens