Anura SDK for Server-side JavaScript
The Anura SDK for server-side JavaScript simplifies using Anura Direct for developers. Allowing you to quickly get up and running with analyzing your traffic.
Getting Started
- Have an open active account with Anura - You can see more about Anura's offerings here.
- Minimum Requirements - To use the SDK, you will need Node >=18.
Install the SDK - You can run the following command to install the SDK via npm:
npm install @anuraio/anura-sdk
- View our Quick Examples to immediately begin using the SDK!
Quick Examples
Create the Anura Direct Client
import { AnuraDirect, AnuraClientError, AnuraServerError } from '@anuraio/anura-sdk'; // ES Module Import
const { AnuraDirect, AnuraClientError, AnuraServerError } = require('@anuraio/anura-sdk'); // CommonJS Import
const direct = new AnuraDirect('your-instance-id-value-here');
Set an element of additional data for Anura Direct
direct.addAdditionalData('1', 'your-data-value');
Update an element of additional data
// To update an element of additional data, simply add the element again but with a new value.
const indexToUpdate = '1';
direct.addAdditionalData(indexToUpdate, 'your-new-data-value');
Remove an element from additional data
const indexToRemove = '1';
Get a result from Anura Direct
(async function() {
const direct = new AnuraDirect('your-instance-id');
try {
const result = await direct.getResult({
ipAddress: 'visitors-ip-address',
userAgent: 'visitors-user-agent', // optional
app: 'visitors-app-package-id', // optional
device: 'visitors-device-id', // optional
source: 'your-source-value', // optional
campaign: 'your-campaign-value', // optional
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof AnuraClientError) {
// Handle 4XX responses here.
} else if (error instanceof AnuraServerError) {
// Handle 5XX responses here.
} else {
// Handle any other type of error thrown here.
API Reference
Can get results from Anura Direct. These results are fetched using /direct.json API endpoint.
async getResult(options: GetResultOptions): Promise<DirectResult>- Gets a result from Anura Direct. Throws an error if one occurs throughout the result fetching process.
- Error thrown:
- AnuraClientError: if a 4XX response is returned from Anura Direct
- AnuraServerError: if a 5XX response is returned from Anura Direct
- AnuraError: general exception that represents any other type of error that occurred while fetching from Anura Direct.
GetResultOptions Parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ipAddress | string | The IP address of your visitor. Both IPv4 & IPv6 addresses are supported. | Yes |
userAgent | any | The user agent string of your visitor. | |
app | any | The application package identifier of your visitor (when available.) | |
device | any | The device identifier of your visitor (when available.) | |
source | any | A variable, declared by you, to identify "source" traffic within Anura's dashboard interface. | |
campaign | any | A subset variable of "source," declared by you, to identify "campaign" traffic within Anura's dashboard interface. |
- Adds an element of additional data to your AnuraDirect client.
- Removes an element of additional data from your AnuraDirect client.
- Returns the instance you have set within your AnuraDirect client.
- Returns the campaign you have set within your AnuraDirect client.
- Sets the instance of your AnuraDirect client to the instance value passed.
The result upon a successful call to getResult() from the AnuraDirect client. It contains not only the result from Anura DIrect, but some other methods to help you use the result as well.
iSuspect(): boolean- Returns whether or not the visitor has been determined to be suspect.
- Returns whether or not the visitor has been determined to be non-suspect.
- Returns whether or not the visitor has been determined to be on a mobile device.
- Returns the raw result string value.
- Returns the raw mobile result value.
- If you have return rule sets enabled, you will be able to see which specific rules were violated upon a suspect result. This value will be null if the visitor has non-suspect, or if you do not have return rule sets enabled.
- You can talk to support about enabling or disabling the return rule sets feature.
- If you have return invalid traffic type enabled, you will be able to access which type of occcurred upon a suspect result.
- You can talk to support about enabling or disabling the return invalid traffic type feature.